Report hate crime in Gateshead and access online training
Report hate crime in Gateshead
If you have been a victim of hate crime because of your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability please report it.
Phone: 0191 433 2648 (24 hours a day)
Report a hate crime incident online
The impact of hate crime on an individual and their family can often be devastating, affecting social, psychological and physical wellbeing. Where individuals are targeted because of a personal characteristic they often feel fearful of further incidents and isolated; it can also affect others who may share that characteristic, leading to impacts across the wider community.
Hate crime is any criminal offence believed to be motivated by someone’s personal characteristics.
It is a hate crime to target someone because of:
- A disability
- Their race or ethnicity
- Their Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
- Gender identity
In Gateshead, we will ensure that any incident or crime perpetrated due to prejudice will be captured, recorded and dealt with as a hate crime.
Read the Gateshead Community Safety Board - Hate Crime Strategy
For more information please visit the Gateshead Council Website
Digital training - responding to hate crime and extremism
The Centre for Hate Studies in Leicester have produced some online Hate Crime training which includes a number of different modules including public transport, support for victims, hate crime in higher education and others. These have been developed following previous consultation with those affected by hate crime.
There is growing evidence to show that levels of hate and extremism are rising across the UK and beyond, causing devastation to victims and their families and spreading mistrust within communities. Within a climate of heightened tensions and widening divisions, it is imperative that organisations across different sectors deliver effective, evidence-based responses to victims, perpetrators and wider communities. These modules help provide a general awareness of issues relating to hate crime.
- Developed by world-leading hate crime experts at the Centre for Hate Studies
- Certificate of completion from the University of Leicester
- Evidence-based guidance drawn from contemporary research from across the world
- Real life case studies and good practice recommendations
- Rated as outstanding by previous learners
For more information about this training visit the centre for hate studies website